About Us
Countdown Circular Economy Solutions is a United Nations Academic Impact Millennium Fellowship project for the 2020 cohort. As an enterprise, we are championing several of the Sustainable Development Goals by advancing sustainable education, engaging in Climate Action, improving sanitation, contributing to more innovative infrastructure, and so much more.
Our Core Services

Product Design &
At Countdown, our solution to the global plastic pollution crisis is utilize Design Thinking to upcycle plastic waste using technologies such as 3D modeling and printing to create durable, eco-friendly everyday products.

Sustainability + Technology Focused Education and Skills Training
We have now partnered with Engineering Projects In Community Service (EPICS) at Arizona State University as a project option for the Spring Semester. Our EPICS team members will have the unique opportunity to design and create prototypes of eco-friendly upcycled products.

Community Outreach & Development
Our Community Outreach and Project Development Team focus on developing our global Ambassador and Volunteer programs. They work with the Global Partnerships team to develop and incorporate our Leader Lab curriculum into schools.
We believe in collaborative solution design to change the world.

"A report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation states that, "Without significant action, there may be more plastic than fish in the ocean, by weight, by 2050"
(The New Plastics Economy, 2017).
We intend to change that.
of total waste in Ghana is recyclable.
million kilos of PET bottle waste enters the environment annually in Ghana.
of PET bottle waste is recycled in Ghana.

“It always seems impossible, until it's done.”
Nelson Mandela